Gratitude Journaling with the Willows Journaling Kit

Hello, friends! Did you know you are more likely to remember the negative life happenings than the positive moments? Help yourself remember by starting a gratitude journal using the Willows Journaling Kit!    Tai Cortes:...

Planning with the Willows Stationery Kit

Hello, friends!   Go ahead and plan with the Willows Stationery Kit. This kit has everything you need to plot your schedule, track your habits, and even make a fun game, too!   Kim Oedekoven:...

Small Planner Setup with Willows Stickers Kits

Hello, friends! If you use a small planner, consider the Willow Calendar Sticker Kit for your monthly pages and the Willows Weeks Sticker Kit for your weekly spreads.   Rachel Newman: Small Planner Setup with...

Dreaming of Spring with the Willows Deluxe Journaling Kit

Hello, friends! It may be chilly outside for many of you, but at least your journals can show signs of spring, thanks to the Willows Deluxe Journaling Kit.    Mady Stoner: Dreaming of Spring with...

Creative Journaling with Willows Kits

Hello, friends!   There are so many ways to create a consistent journaling practice. If handwriting is not always an option ( or a preference) for you, consider how you can use kits like the...

Tell Your Tales with the Willows Scrapbooking Kit

Hello, friends The Willows Scrapbooking Kit and Willows 12x12 Paper Add-On are a dream for anyone looking to create layouts with a whimsical, storybook charm, so it was absolutely perfect for my photos of the Hobbit-inspired village...

Self-Care Documented with the Willows Scrapbooking Kit!

 Hello, friends! Don't forget to document YOU when you are adding to your pocket page albums. For all our plant lovers out there, this one is for you!    Tai Cortes: Self-Care Documented with the...

Create a Food Inventory with the Willows Planner Kit!

Grab your notebook or inserts from the Willows Collection and the Willows Planner Kit to create a helpful food inventory for your regular reference!

Willows Creative Kit and Classic Inserts: an Excellent Pairing!

The Willows Creative Kit and Classic Inserts are a great pairing! Throw in the Willows Classic Cousin Sticker Kit and you have everything you need for a month of planning!