Sweet Summertime!

Helllloooo everyone! I hope your May is coming to to a wonderful close. I am thrilled because we are finishing up our homeschool year today!! It has definitely been a different school year for everyone, hasn’t it? Homeschoolers included! I’m ready for a wonderful summer break with my family!
Setting up my planner with the June Cocoa Daisy kit has just added to my excitement! The book and travel theme hits the perfect notes of a fun, adventurous, escapist summer! We are spending three glorious weeks at the beach, and I am so excited to read by the ocean. Reading and the ocean are two of my very favorite things, so combining both is heaven on earth for me - and this kit just fits perfectly!
So, quick note before I dive into my super simple setup. Still in rings, but in a slightly different configuration. I’m still using Franklin Covey Compact inserts, which are a glorious size. Same height as a personal, but wider - but not as wide as personal wide! It falls right in the middle between personal and PW, which is a real sweet spot for me! The inserts are large enough that I feel like I have more than enough room, but they’re not huge and overwhelming. So I’m using the FCC inserts, but some wonderful, genius soul discovered that those inserts fit perfectly in a gillio a6 compagna! This absolutely made my day, because it gives me larger inserts in a smaller form factor. I was lucky enough to be able to snag a used undyed a6. It’s gorgeous and I absolutely love it! So that’s my current planner setup - now let’s dive into the planner itself!
As always, I put a pretty dashboard at the front. I absolutely love this floral paper in the June kit, so it had to be front and center. I also loved the stripe paper, so I put it on the backside and taped them together, and added a pocket card to the back for some deco!

Right after that, I have the leather fly leaf in the compagna. I didn’t put it in the front like usual since it’s smaller than the FCC inserts - it just looked weird. But I have it right behind the dashboard and that’s perfect because it gives me a place to stick an extra highlighter, which thrills me!
Right after the fly leaf I have this gorgeous vellum. It’s a map, and the land is edged in the most beautiful gold foil. How stunning is this? It just goes over my yearly overview sheet, where I’m already jotting down appointments scheduled for 2022! Isn’t that wild?

Right after that starts my calendar section. I used this beautiful paper to make my divider - I absolutely love everything going on here - a map, some greenery in the trees, books, vintage suitcases - it’s all perfect! This section holds the entire year - monthly and weekly. It’s an awesome inserts set I found online, and it’s a continuous layout, just like a coiled planner. So it saves me some space since it doesn’t have notes or blank pages between the months. I love having the entire year in here - I put them in once and then I’m done - plan away! I have a pocket card on the back of this divider too, and I absolutely love the quote!

My next section is my personal section. Ever since switching back to rings, I‚Äôve literally just had my calendar inserts and my notes. But there were a couple pieces of info I wanted to make sure I had with me - and could access quickly if I needed to. So a very small ‚Äúpersonal‚Äù section made its way back into my planner. I used the stripe paper I love so much, and how colorful and beautiful is it with the book acetate layered over top? It pops the colors perfectly! And then of course, another card on the back of the divider, because Simon. üòçüòç

My last section is my notes section, and it’s a repeat of the floral dashboard. What can I say? When I love a pattern, I really love it hard haha. And this month this floral and the colorful stripe really spoke to me, so I love having it throughout my planner! This section is literally just grid paper with anything that comes out of my brain and down in paper stored here.

That’s my quick and easy ring setup! My EDC ring planner system has become outrageously streamlined and simple, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s easy to use, fun to play in, and keeps me where I need to be! So it a win in my book!
For a bonus, here’s a pic of my monthly layout in my rings and in my EC:

Isn’t it the prettiest kit? Get me to the beach already! Adventure awaits!
Talk to you soon daisies!!!