Step by step set-up page : Monthly Gratitude

Step by step set-up page : Monthly Gratitude
Hello daisies ! I hope you are all OK. November is Gratitude month, and I'm sure you all have some things to be grateful for. Personally, I love doing this exercice for some time now, every day of the year :) . Each morning, with my "wake-up-coffea", I like to sit at my desk and find at least 3 things from the day before I'm grateful for. I find this really therapeutic, because it makes me see the good side of things. Sometimes those things are BIG, but sometimes, it can just be a brief lovely feeling, like having a good laught, or just feel the sun on my face. During this crazy year, this daily practice has been a life saver ! I do not have a specific notebook for this. Instead, I have a monthly double page in my Bullet Journal. I almost always follow the same scheme to set it up. That's what we will see today.   First, supplies : for making my page I use :
  • A notebook : it can be you daisy dori, your daisy pages. I mostly plan in a blanck notebook so that's I am using (my doris are for other purposes than planning).
  • Some watercolor pencil. I use tombow brush pens. There is sometimes some of those in the bullet journal category of the website.
  • A water spray
  • An acrylic bloc : personally, I use 2 of those, one for the watercolor background, and an other for stamping. I love using the cocoa daisy acrylic block for stamping (as you can see)
  • Some black (or colored) waterproof ink. I like to use Versafine onyx black
  • Monthly stamps. This month there was an other stamp, the forest friends stamp, it's the cutest ever <3
  • Dies cuts (they are adhesive now, no need of glue <3) and stickers from almost all kits (and this month the cute rub-ons from planner kit and TNMK kit). I choose decos from the kit that fit my page to be. In november it's easier as this is gratitude month in the kits too !
  • Washi tape
  One all the supply is there, the first thing I do is to put some washi tape on my page border : I use the same notebook for several month, and washi tape helps me to see quickly which month is it.   Now, let's dig into the watercolor background. I learnt this from Marlene on a Bullet Journal French group, but she's on CD group too ! To begin with, I put some ink on my acrylic block.   Then I use the spray 2 or 3 times to add water on my block.   After that, I GENTLY (that's the secret, thank you Marlene !) put the block on the paper, and I do it at several places.   Then I add the others colors. Personally for all the colors that "match", I do not let it dry between 2 colors, so they can blend a bit together.   On the other hand, In order to keep colors separated and avoid tricky mixes, I prefer to let it dry before applying too different colors (the mint green here). When all the colors are applied, I wait for them to be all dried in order to avoid bad surprises...   Then, I begin to choose the decos I will use. I often use stamps for the page title, but this month there was a beautiful rub-on in the TNMK kit.   This is an other view of my choosing step. Then, I'll add all die-cuts, stickers or stamping that I choosed before.   This is a close up of the title. Before to scratch the rub-on, I stamped the cute foxe from the stamp kit, then added the rub-on, and then alpha from TNMK kit and word from classic sticker kit.   This is my finished page. As you can see, I love to mix medias, with rub-on, die-cuts, stickers, stamps, word dies cuts, etc. During the month I will choose a color to add the date (for November I choosed brown) and then just write at least 3 good memories from the day before. It really helps me to see the good things in my life. I you want to see the page after the pen, I invite you to look later this month on my Instagram. There, you can also see previous pages from previous months. That's all for today, I hope you liked this little travel with me. If you have some questions please let me know. Happy crafting,   P.