Simple Dori Saturday with Bookish

Simple Dori Saturday with Bookish

Hello, friends!

We are wrapping up our Bookish Collection inspiration with "Simple Dori Saturday"! We hope you are inspired by this post to see the Simple Dori from a different perspective!

Marsha Farris: Documenting Reading in a Simple Dori

Making time for reading every day is one of my goals this year, so I was excited to use the Bookish Collection to create a Simple Dori spread documenting my morning reading routine.
To begin the layout, I selected a spread in the Bookish Simple Dori to use as a base for my design and chose to rotate the pages to change it up a bit. I loved the bold color of the patterned paper and thought my picture would stand out well against it. I selected two additional patterned papers and trimmed them to use as layers behind my photo. Next, I used embellishments from the Bookish Modern Memory Keeping Kit and Bookish Traveler's Notebook Memory Keeping Kit to decorate around the photo. I also added a phrase sticker from the Bookish Planner Sticker Kit onto a tab sticker.  
For the other side of the layout, I used rub-on and puffy alpha stickers to create the title. I also added a bit of stamping with the Bookish Memory Keeping Stamp Sets and another phrase sticker from the Bookish Classic Planner Sticker kit.
I used one of the larger rub-ons along the bottom of the page to add a fun row of colorful books. I also included a die cut and another rub-on to complete the design. This was such a fun layout to make using the reading-themed elements from the Bookish Collection. Watch me work in this process video over on Instagram. Happy creating!
Share your Simple Dori spreads with us by tagging @cocoa_daisy on social media or posting to the Cocoa Daisy Fan Page. Make sure to visit our Pinterest page and the Cocoa Daisy YouTube Channel for more inspiration.


Rachel, Creative Team Blog Coordinator