While I don’t quite have my hands on the Acorn Lane Collection, the cute little gnomes in all the sneak peeks have me gnome-inspired. So I grabbed this Fall Gnomes cutfile from Peartree Cutfiles and made my own Flannel & Frost gnomes!
I have fond memories of this day, we had gone for a walk at a local country park where we were met by granny and grandad. Not only did granny climb the tree but she even let me capture the moment with my camera.
I have documented the moment on a 6 by 8 layout and knew that I wanted to add the little gnome rub ons along with his mushrooms.
I cut 1-inch strips of the patterned paper from the memory keeping kit and layered them off to the right-hand side of the page, not gluing anything down yet though.
The photograph I layered using the brown leaf paper and placed everything where I wanted it to be.
I couldn't resist adding the little blue bird rub on, using the photo matte as a guide to where I wanted him to sit.
Once I was happy with the placement I glued everything in place, popping a couple of the leave die cuts in the bottom corner of the photograph.
I thought the quote From little seeds grows mighty trees was appropriate as this was one of the biggest trees in the park.
To finish off my layout I have sketched a couple of squiggly lines around my page and added my title So Very Thankful.

There you have it, three different ways to add gnomes to your designs, we would love to see what you do with the upcoming collection of gnomes, please share on social media. In Instagram, use the #cocoadaisygnomes and on Facebook share to our
Cocoa Daisy Fan Page.