Scrap with Your Scraps: Focus on Kit Papers

Scrap with Your Scraps: Focus on Kit Papers
Hello, friends! It's likely that time of the month when you are inching closer to the last remains of your Koi Pond Collection. Kit Papers are a common scrap and we want to make sure you have some inspiration for using them up! Traci challenged herself to one scrap paper for this layout. When I approached this layout, I honestly had a ton of the Koi Pond Collection left, so I challenged myself to reach for just ONE scrap piece of paper from the collection to base my entire layout on, and then to pull from parts of the collection I might not otherwise use. I cut apart the bit of striped paper I had left and divided it by color on either side of my spread, adding messy hand-stitching to the outer edges to accentuate the stripes. When I started embellishing, I chose to fully embrace the fish for this layout, leaning heavily into the "going with the flow" AND the "separate fishbowls" theme since my photos and story are of a quarantined birthday. By thinking outside the box, I got to use things that I might otherwise have not known how to incorporate into my memory keeping because I'm such a literal scrapper. Check out this process video to see this spread come together! [embed][/embed] Veronica resizes her scraps for easy use in her memory planner. Whenever I have an eventful week, I need all the photos to be included! Interactive fold-outs are the perfect way to do JUST that!   The best way for me to use up lots of bits and pieces from the kit is to save all the scrap and cut them down to fit in these memory planning squares! I cut them to 1.4x2.4" rectangles. Here I used some bits to layer the journaling and to create some interactive elements. I also love cutting tags in half and using it on both sides of the page. Nothing is wasted! I hope this gave you some ideas on saving and using up all those bits from the kit!   Share with us how you scrapbooking with your scraps by tagging @cocoa_daisy on social media or posting to the Cocoa Daisy Fan Page. Make sure to visit our Pinterest page and the Cocoa Daisy YouTube Channel for more inspiration.


Rachel, Creative Team Blog Coordinator