Tip Tuesday: Let's Go 12x12 Papers with Busy Patterns

Hello, friends!
We've got a great tip to share with you today featuring the super fun pattern papers in the Let's Go Scrapbooking Kit.
Traci Reed: Tip Tuesday for Busy Papers

If you’re anything like me, you love the IDEA of the adorably busy papers sometimes included in the Memory Keeping kits like the menu paper in the Let's Go Scrapbooking Kit. Still, they can be a little overwhelming to work with.
This 12x12 page featuring photos from a retro diner was just too perfect not to include the menu paper as the main feature, but since I knew that I would be adding a LOT to the page, I wanted to tone it down.

My tip? Whitewash it! It’s easier than you think! Combine a small bit of white acrylic paint with water until you get the consistency you like. Remember, the more watery the whitewash, the less coverage it will give you and you’ll have to do more layers, which might make the paper too soggy after a while, so don’t get it too wet!

Using a fairly large paintbrush, apply the whitewash to the portions of the paper you would like to dull a bit. I recommend drying with a heat tool or hair dryer between sessions if you need multiple layers to speed up the process and not warp the page too much.
After you’ve got it dulled to the right level for your page, feel free to add more mixed media to the page to add to the effect. For this one, I used the ink included in the Let's Go Scrapbooking Kit, some of the more artistic rub-ons, and some black ink to add splatters and patterns around my composition to blend it all.

The finishing touch was grounding the whole page top and bottom with paper tears and heavier patterns!
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- Tags: 12x12 paper scrapbooking kit