One Line a Day in your Planner

It's Kellie here with you today to talk about using your planner for jotting down one line a day and how important it can be and yet how different it is to planning.  Want to know something else?  I ONLY used the freebies for may for this. A challenge I'd set for myself.  Do you set yourself challenges?  They are a great way to try and get you to think outside the box and often I find fussy cutting relaxing?, weird to some, I know. During the month of March I was using a one line a day journal I had been gifted many years ago.  I pick it up from time to time since 2012 and I love reading back over what I write down.  It's often a dot point of what happened during that day or an event, something that made me laugh.  I love reading over them to my teenage girls as some of the memories are from when they were what feels like a lot younger.  This is where the one line a day is absolutely different than planning out your day and even memory keeping to an extent. I'm a bit of a creature of habit and having everything in the one place helps me a lot more than having a book or this and a book for that.  As I shared before I do a gratitude journal of sorts in my cocoa daisy monthly planer and so now I'll be adding this as well as my everyday planning.  All these memories in the one place.  It actually makes my heart happy. With everything going on right now sometimes we don't think we have anything to document of say, but I've found that doing one line a day, there is often more memories and conversations that happened than I originally thought. The line can be as long or short as you like, there are no rules when it comes to memories and best of all this is all YOU. I feel like May is going to have a lot more to document than April did.  With things lifting here in Australia.  Either way I will be documenting my one line a day with these pages I created and also my gratitude journal.  I can not wait to look over May once it's over, bt of course not ready for it to be over with just starting.