My planners choices for 2020

My planners choices for 2020
Hello Daisies ! I hope you had a wonderful time for the holidays with your family, and I wish you an Happy New Year, with, I hope, a lot of time for you to craft !   For my first blog post on the Cocoa Daisy Blog, I choose to show you what I decided to have as planning system for 2020 (or, at least, January !).     Planning and Memory Keeping in a "big" dori :¬† One of my favorite times of the month is doing my dori's cover. And you, what do you prefer ?   I also love organize the pockets of my traveler notebook, with all the pretty stuff included in the kits.   I had the chance to find planner peace one year ago by making my "big dori" insert, using both planner standard dori from planner kit and simple dori from TNMK kit. In this one, I make my everyday planning, my journal, and my memory keeping. I primilariy found the idea on the Cocoa Daisy Planner Fans Facebook Group, but I really don't remember from whom it was (sorry !).   I use mostly weekly for planning, and the monthly page included in the planner dori. I love this one, planner add-on stickers fit perfectly well. This month I really enjoyed the "clip stickers", for important stuff. I also loved to be able to use differents stickers styles for days, and the new stickers inclueds in the planner kit.   I also have a lot of collections : items bought on Internet that I am waiting for, professionals plans, daily gratitude, steps tracker, meal tracking/plan, etc. One of my favorite pages each month is my gratitude page.   This year, I however decided to make a change : now I use top tabs for the weeks number (for journal), and side tabs for the collections. I pretty love how it turned out and think I will stuck to it for the rest of the year   I have also enough room for a daily journal page, and some memory keeping. I really love this system, and to read those again a few month after !     Specific planning in the new week insert : This year, I also decided to use the new weeks insert for my dog training journal.   For the monthly double page, I used the "House Font" Day and Date Stamp Set¬†(yes ! it's still avalaible in the store !), and a light grey ink. I also used news days stickers from the planner add-on, and few die-cuts to decorate (I didn't decorate much this month, I don't know for now how much information I'll need to track).   After that, I inserted a monthly goals page, for each subject we are training. I also plan to set weekly goals, and then to write each day training events.   I will show you some pictures in my IG feed when I will have write in in ...   Documenting my word of the Year in a B6 dori : Finally, for the second year, I will travel through this year with a companion word. This year, it will be "Confidence". Last year I documented it in each of my monthly doris. It worked great, and I loved the journey, but I regretted not be able to see everything in one only flip through. That's why I decided to use a B6 dori to track my journey with my word.   For now I just choosed my word, so I just made the cover and the first page. I covered the calendar, not useful for this purpose, with a matching MK card.   But, as for the weeks insert, I will show some pictures in my IG feed, and on the Cocoa Daisy Planner fans Facebook group.   To finish, here is my planner set up video (sound is in French)   All again, I wish you a very happy crafty New Year !