Michelle Gallant: May's Memory Keeper

Michelle Gallant: May's Memory Keeper
We are happy to introduce our May Memory Keeping guest designer, Michelle Gallant. She's a master at adding beautiful cut files and totally dressing up a layout with patterned papers. She did not disappoint with the beautiful papers in the Tulip Time Memory Keeping Collection. Here's one of her projects, you can see detailed images and more projects on her Cocoa Daisy Pinterest board. We have a monthly board featuring Tulip Time projects from each of our designers. Here's more about Michelle: My name is Michelle Gallant and I live in NB Canada with my 2 teenagers and 2 cats. What I love the most about crafting is that it's my "me time". Not only do I find it relaxing, but it lets me cherish the memories of my kids who are growing up way too fast. I've been scrapbooking for about 12 years. I went to a class with a friend and fell in love with it that night. When I'm not in my craft room on the weekends, you can usually find me at the hockey rink watching my daughter play. You can see more of my work on my Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/mmgallant76/
 1. When is your most creative time?  Usually late at night, right around bedtime...lol   2. How do you unwind? Scrapbooking, Netflix, reading, shopping, camping   3. If you were in a Rock N' Roll band, what would your job be?  Definitely a drummer!
  4. What is your guilty pleasure?  Chocolate! Mmmmm
  5. If your life was a movie, what actress would play you? Drew Barrymore
  6. What's your favorite accessory?  Bracelets   7. If your life were a novel, what would the title be? Sarcasm is the key to happiness 8. What was your first job and how did you get it?  Cashier in a pharmacy.  I was in University and in need of money.  I think my supervisor saw the desperation in my face. lol
  9. Share three of your bucket list items with us.  Travel the world, own a Bengal cat, renovate my kitchen 10. What is “dressed up” for you?  Dress pants and a shirt, I don't dress up much :)
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Michelle a little better, please