Memory Planning Monday with Take Flight!

Hello, friends!
It's "Memory Planning Monday" and we are excited to share some inspiration for you today featuring our all the whimsy of this collection.
Tai Cortes: Memory Planning Monday

Hello, my crafty friends! It’s Tai and I am here sharing a project using the Take Flight Modern Memory Keeping Kit available on the Cocoa Daisy site. The hot air balloon icons along with the kites and sweet birds are simply amazing. I am catching up on my memory planner, as many of us usually fall behind from time to time. Usually, when I begin a page I am looking to embellish the far left side of the planner layout that is usually meant for notes. My planner is a classic Happy Planner with the vertical layout and I am most comfortable in this style.

From the Take Flight Modern Memory Keeping Kit, I selected the beautiful tulip repeat patterned long sticker with the long quote sticker to layer on top of one another. The quote was lovely and now I have my base for the layout. My photos are done in a 4x6 photo collage with 8 photos on it. I like to keep 4 photos per side when I am making my layout.

Once I selected which photos were going on which side of my layout and could now start to embellish each photo. For the left side, I added more hot air balloon stickers and the lovely kite icons as well. The stickers that have the holographic glitter overlay are my new favorite item in Take Flight Planner Add-On Kit.

Across the top, I was able to use the days of the week stickers from the Take Flight Planner Add-On Kit in all the fun colors. It adds more color to my spread. I cluster more of the kite icons and the hot air balloon stickers to the right side of the layout too. I could not help myself, these are my favorites. To finish off I added the small sweet birds to little areas, a few umbrellas along the edge, and a few of the labels that I can use around a few photos.

For these layouts, I try to keep the bulk to a minimum and usually use all the flat stickers to decorate my layouts. Both pages complement each other and I love how this spread turned out in my memory planner.
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