Memory Keeping: Uncomplicated | Introduction

Memory Keeping: Uncomplicated | Introduction

Memory Keeping: Uncomplicated

Welcome to our new self-paced class, created by Kylie Kingham. This course is meant for both the new-to-memory-keeping and the seasoned creator, it's a kickstart for your memory keeping journey and will help you reach new creative heights. This class was designed with past Cocoa Daisy kits but the prompts were created with a neutral palette so you could use any Cocoa Daisy product or even items from your personal stash. So, let’s start from the beginning. What benefit is Memory Keeping really? Memory Keeping is any method you choose, to document your loved ones, a special event, a vacation, or your daily life. There are about a million (well…close), different methods of documenting whether it be in a physical or digital format. Yet why for many does knowing where to start seem so difficult? In our Memory Keeping Uncomplicated class, we are here to help do just that. Uncomplicate! This class is for all levels of experience, from a beginner right through to an advanced memory keeper. It’s designed for you to have flexibility, fun, fill your pages quickly, and get you thinking outside of the box. Not only are you preserving precious moments but Memory Keeping can also be a great way to de-stress. Studies show that engaging in something creative can help reduce stress and anxiety. Creating a family or personal storybook, keeps your memories close as an important part of your life for future generations to enjoy also. Not only that but Memory Keeping makes you happy! You will enjoy a great sense of satisfaction from being able to create something that’s personal.

The best things in life

are the people you love,

the places you go

and the memories you make

along the way.

Some common feedback in the Memory Keeping community that I hear a lot is:

 ‘I feel like I don’t have anything interesting to document.’

 ‘I really want to journal but I don’t know what to write!’ ‘I want to do Memory Keeping but I’m just not creative enough.’ This class will help you address those concerns and end up with a beautiful project as well. This self-paced class is divided into five different sections.
  • Introduction
  • Supplies List & Getting Ready
  • The Prompts
  • Video walk-through
  • Meet your instructor

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Supplies List & Getting Ready