Make a Mini Album with From the Garden Kits

Hello, friends!
Mini Albums are compact, cute and collect all of for your moments on a smaller scale.
Traci Reed: Mini Album with From the Garden Kits

There's nothing more adorable to me than a cute little mini album and this one using the From the Garden Collection was made from just a single piece of card stock as the base - easy peasy!
To make it, I scored a 12x12 piece of card stock at 4 and 8 inches, rotated it, and then scored again at 6” so that I ended up with six 4x6” sections. I then snipped along the 6” score line 8” up and folded it to make a 4x6 mini album with multiple pages. You could technically do this with a 12x12” patterned paper, but since I was working with the 6x8 papers from the Memory Keeping Kits, I used plain card stock as a base to adhere the patterned papers instead.

After adhering the patterned papers to the cardstock base, I went to work with journal cards found in the From the Garden Modern Memory Keeping Kit and tags found in the From The Garden Traveler's Notebook Memory Keeping Kit to create lots of interactive bits in the album.

The pages themselves also serve as large pockets in which I placed the tags in the From The Garden Traveler's Notebook Memory Keeping Kit, adhered back to back so that there was no backside.

This side pocket holds a 4x6 card, or I can replace it with a photo down the line.

For the next page, I alternated between a pocket made from the vellum paper in the From the Garden Stationary Kit+ a sticker from the From the Garden Memory Keeping Sticker kit, and a pocket made from patterned paper with a place for a photo on top.

In that pocket, you can put photos, journaling, and extra cards! See a full flip-through of this mini album here!

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