Hello beautiful Daisies! I hope the first month of 202 has been treating you all well! I have been thoroughly enjoyed it, in large part to the Noted kit! I think this is my favorite kit I’ve ever used in the 2.5 years I’ve used Cocoa Daisy! And that’s saying something, because every single kit is exquisite. But the mix of colors and patterns (and of course the theme) is making my planner girl heart so happy this month!
Because I’m loving it so much, I wanted to share a few of my favorite things from the kit.  As always, it would be super easy to just share the entire happy box and say it’s all my favorite, but I did pick five specific things to share!
The first thing is the pen. I have loved every single pen that Cocoa Daisy has sent in their boxes since Christine came up with this design, and this pen is no exception. I love how neutral it is, and the fact that the barrel has a shimmer just adds that fun pop that I love!
Gary! How cute is he?! I’ve loved him since I first saw him previewed in the sneaks. His fuzzy hair and crooked tie just melts my heart!
This pocket card was perfect for me this month. My word of the year is “soft” and this card fits the mentality of what the word means to me perfectly. This card is going to stay in my planner all year!
How gorgeous is this camera patch? I love the design of it and the pink color! I am jumping back into memory keeping this year, so I put this patch on my January monthly - it’s a great way to kick off the pictures and memories I want to keep this year!
And finally, the camera pouch! Is anyone surprised that this is included on the list?! This pouch is awesome. It has that vintage camera vibe that makes me want to go grab an old camera and take some VSCO shots haha. This is definitely going to become a regular in my pouch rotation!
Those are my top favorite items this month! What are the things you are loving? Make sure to join me on Instagram so we can continue to share all the Cocoa Daisy love!