September Planner Guest Creator Recap | Nakia Byrdsong

September Planner Guest Creator Recap | Nakia Byrdsong
Another month, another guest creator that has so much to share with us! Nakia used our¬†Daisy Fields collections to document and plan her September. The best part? There are videos! Keep scrolling to see Nakia's planner pictures and links to her YouTube videos! Video 1: Plan with Me (September 5th -11th) and a Bookmark / Paperclip DIY Sept 5-11 and BOOKMARK and PAPERCLIP DIY   Video 2: Plan with Me (September 1st - 4th) Notiq Personal Size Planner Monthly Setup [embed][/embed]   Video 3: Cocoa Daisy Guest Creator Planner Setup [embed][/embed]   They say a picture is worth a thousand words, right? I'll end with a few snippets from Nakia's planner.                 Thank you so much for joining us for another guest recap! See you back next month!