Mini Happy Planner fun!

Hi friends! It is so good to be back with you all again. Wow! Another month in this crazy year.
This month, I’m doing something drastically different for me. I have been toying with the idea of switching to mini happy planner sized inserts for several months now. In spite of multiple challenges this month, I am happy to report that I finally did it! See my video here. 

This is one of the many reasons that I absolutely love Cocoa Daisy as a company and as a planner subscription. I can use any or all of the products that come in the subscriptions for a multitude of sizes and styles.
Mini happy planner size is 7 inches x 4.65 inches. This size is very similar to b6 rings and PW rings. I am really loving the size. The disc system is also very easy to work with.
I started off my setup with a B6 Daisy dori. I cut the book down to 4.65 wide. The dori booklet in B6 is the exact height needed for a mini happy planner size so I did not need to cut the height.

As I’ve done for many months, I used the planner kit paper to cut out dividers using a silhouette machine. I have really been loving the more simplistic dividers this year and I am keeping with that theme. Also, the papers this month were very bold in pattern. So keeping their shape simple helps keep the attention to the pattern.

I then added in some other inserts and a few pocket cards. I also cut down to size the vellum and acetate that came in the planner classified kit. Using 1 inch discs, I was able to add all the inserts and deco I needed!
Just like that, it cam together! I love the outcome and sure hope you do too!