Lets make dividers!

Lets make dividers!
Hi Daisy Friends!

Wow! What a year so far, right? And my how time flies when you’re having “fun.” I wanted to revisit my divider process with you this month in my blog post.

As many of you who follow me on social media already know, my design aesthetic changes from time to time. I am in a ‚Äúseason‚Äù of more minimal (or maybe simplistic) approach with my dividers.¬†The process for developing them has pretty much remained the same however. Each month, when I get my ‚Äúbox of happy‚Äù in the mail, I begin with the papers. Every month it seems Coca Daisy out does the previous month and the paper design is fantastic. So this is where I spend a lot of my time. I really consider the colors, the aesthetic I am going for, and any graphical elements in the paper design.   Because I am looking for a more minimal/simplistic look, I will generally choose paper that has a subtle design or a repeat pattern. I keep in mind that the divider I create will stand on its own (i.e. no embellishments on it). Once the paper is chosen, the hard part is over! I then simply cut the design from the paper. I have a file saved in my silhouette design studio which makes it very easy. Sometimes, when I cut the dividers, they look to ‚Äúplain‚Äù on their own (in my opinion). So I consider cutting shapes from the divider itself to add interest, as I did this month. This added touch gives my dividers a bit more interest for not a lot of time. Keep in mind that you don‚Äôt necessarily need a cutting machine. You could use good ol‚Äô scissors and/or a paper trimmer for this design shown. Maybe even an exacto knife (if you‚Äôre brave enough for that kind of thing). You could also add design touches using a paper punch. There are tons of ways to add interest to dividers! I hope you‚Äôve enjoyed learning a bit about my process for making dividers. If you have questions, please feel free to connect with me and ask! I hope the rest of 2020 treats you well.