A Little Gratitude and Dear Self for your Planner

The month of February is the month of love and so I had a thought of loving myself a little more and reminding myself of what makes me happy.  I instead of jotting down my day in this section of my planner.  I decided to instead use the daily for documenting what I'm grateful for that day and on the opposite side I wrote a short note to myself on the CUTEST sticky note pad paper EVER. January didn't turn out fabulous for me and I really didn't want to bring that into February and so I wrote this note that I could always go back and reflect on.   I actually enjoyed this process so much that I'm considering taking it on again in March.  It's also fun to grab out your stickers and have a play and I did just that for the first week.  I absolutely love that cute little dog and hope he makes an appearance later on again. The next week was a full week.  the thing about gratitude is there is always something to be grateful for.  Even the smallest thing can brighten your outlook for the day.  Something as small as your coffee.  I decided to keep with the theme of the sticky note macaroon and do it every week.  I did plan to decorate a lot more, but I felt the weekly page with a few added die cuts of stickers was all that was needed for this week. This week was all about being grateful for getting a spring clean started in summer and technology allowing me to keep in constant contact with my eldest whom recently moved state. I'm a sucker for pink and this months kit had all the pink feels!  The thing with typing on the typewriter and acrylic nails is that sometimes you hit a key by mistake while hitting the right key.  I've learnt to just go with this and accept it as a happy, funny flaw.  This week was all about  being grateful for a trip to get new blinds, a supportive husband in my never ending ideas on achieving my goals for February, creative mojo coming back finally after having a struggle for some time and lastly a lazy Sunday. I think we all need to hear this at some stage right?  I love the quote that is below as it feels like it ties in, a little progress each day adds up to BIG results.  Motherhood described if you ask me. I challenged myself this week to try and use both a sticker and a die cut and not just one and not the other.  Fair to say, while only small with the sticker I did achieve this.  I was grateful for so many different things so far this week.  Grateful for the support of my parents in trying to achieve me goal and the help they are offering, grateful for painting a coffee table with my youngest and is now proudly out of storage in the lounge room with all our favourite family games stored at arms length. My dear self this week was to remind me to STOP feeling so overwhelmed and to remember how far I've come with our goals for February that I set.  I'm the type of person that wanted it all done, yesterday... If you consider after reading this of starting next month or heck RIGHT now, I can highly suggest that you do write down one thing you are grateful for everyday or write yourself a note.  Something you would write for someone else, do it for you.